Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Chant for Tonight's Kirtan

Rama Raghava

Rama Raghava

Rama Raghava Rakshamam

Krishna Keshava

Krishna Keshava

Krishna Keshava Pahimam

Rama and Krishna are names of Vishnu, the preserver of the entire Universe.

Raghava is another name of Rama. Keshava is another name of Krishna. Rakshamam means: you are my protection. Pahimam means: I offer myself to you.
Quote of the day:
"When Allopathy, Chromopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurvedopathy fail to cure a disease, the Divine Namopathy alone can save you; This medicine of Nama Japa can be taken to cure any disease and administered to all patients."
Swami Sivananda

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Chant from Tonight's Kirtan

Just wanted to post the transliteration from the new chant tonight so those who were interested could have it. Great session. Thanks to everyone who participated and a special thanks to Michael for the beautiful percussion.

Shiva Shiva Mahadeva Namah Shivaya Sada Shiva

Durga Durga Maha Maya Namah Durgayei Namoh Namah

Kali Kali Maha Mata Namah Kaliike Namoh Namah

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Quotes for Today

"Om is the dawn of Being in the Father, SAT. Om is the Being's Self-Awareness, its awakening to itself in the Son, CHIT. Om in the Third Person is the tremor at the ultimate threshold of sound which is the Spirit in God and in the Universe, ANANDA." Swami Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux, O.S.B.)

". .
it's really a process of actually having a realization of God, which all becomes clear with the expanded state of consciousness that develops when you chant. " George Harrison
"The Divine Name is your greatest treasure. It will fill your life with truth, purity, compassion, selflessness, nobility, and tolerance. It will awaken God-Consciousness in you. You will know that this world is permeated with the Divine Presence. This is the easy way to a life in God. Come, friend, waste not your precious time. Repeat the name . . .Live in God. Attain Supreme Blessedness." - Swami Chidananda